Fushun HengYI Petro & Chemical Co. Ltd.

Fushun Hengyi Paraffin Wax exporter more than 10 years

fsgm@fsgm.com.cn +86 24 58308799

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Quality System Certification

Quality System Certification

Add No.5 Guankou Road, Dongzhou District, Fushun, Liaoning, China

E-mail fsgm@fsgm.com.cn

Tel +86 24 58308799

Fushun HengYI Petro & Chemical Co. Ltd.

Fushun HengYi Fushun HengYI Petro & Chemical Co. Ltd., Privacy Statement rights reserved Web Site Production:NSW

Products Center Fully refined paraffin wax PE Wax 100# to 110# Semi refined paraffin wax Packing Wax 100# to 110# Fischer KUNLUN Wax

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